BioGaia: Probiotic Experts for Your Family’s Health

Discover BioGaia’s range of probiotics for babies, children, and adults. Our clinically proven solutions support digestive and immune health, ensuring well-being for the whole family. Shop now to take a step towards a healthier life.

BioGaia specializes in probiotic supplements designed to promote health and well-being across all ages. From newborns to adults, their products are formulated to support digestive health, enhance immune function, and alleviate various gastrointestinal discomforts such as colic, spit-up, constipation, and bloating.

What Are BioGaia Products About?

Babies and Infants

BioGaia’s probiotic drops and vitamin D supplements are perfect for easing colic, gas, and spit-ups, promoting healthy poops, and reducing crying and fussiness.

Children and Teens

Chewable tablets are available for older kids and teenagers to help with occasional stomach pain, constipatin, diarrhea, and to maintain regularity.


BioGaia offers chewable tablets and capsules to aid in stomach discomfort, constipation, gas, bloating, and to support overall digestive and immune health.

Oral and Skin Care

Specialized probiotics for dental health promote good oral hygiene and gum health, while probiotic ointments soothe dry and irritated skin.

Why Choose BioGaia?

Clinically Proven

BioGaia’s products are backed by scientific research, ensuring their effectiveness in promoting health and well-being.

Comprehensive Care

With solutions for every age group, BioGaia supports your family’s health journey from infancy through adulthood.

Natural and Safe

Focused on using safe, natural ingredients, BioGaia’s probiotics are a gentle way to enhance your body’s natural defenses and digestive health.

Choose Our Products

BioGaia Protectis Probiotics Drops for Baby, Infants, Newborn and Kids

BioGaia Protectis Probiotics Drops are a beacon of relief for parents navigating the challenges of colic, spit-up, constipation, and digestive discomfort in their little ones. These original baby probiotic drops harness the power of L. reuteri Protectis, a probiotic strain that has been extensively studied and shown to significantly reduce crying and fussing in colicky babies. Just five drops daily can ease common digestive issues, offering a smoother, more comfortable experience for infants and kids alike.

BioGaia Protectis Probiotic Drops with Vitamin D

Biogara ProbioticsBioGaia Protectis Probiotic Drops with Vitamin D combine the gut health benefits of the probiotic L. reuteri Protectis with the bone health and immune system support of Vitamin D. This dual-action formula is designed to ease colic, spit-ups, and occasional constipation and diarrhea in newborns and infants, promoting overall digestive comfort. The inclusion of Vitamin D is especially beneficial for babies with limited sun exposure, ensuring they receive this essential nutrient for healthy growth and development. Just 5 drops once daily provide these health benefits, making it a convenient addition to your baby’s daily routine.

BioGaia ProTectis Chewable Tablets

Ideal for toddlers, kids, and teens, BioGaia ProTectis Chewable Tablets are a tasty way to support digestive and immune health. These tablets can ease occasional stomach pain, constipation, and diarrhea, promoting regularity and comfort. The chewable form makes it easy for children to take, with a flavor they’ll love.

BioGaia Gastrus Chewable Tablets

BioGaia Gastrus Chewable Tablets are designed for adults seeking relief from stomach discomfort, constipation, gas, bloating, and to support regularity. This adult probiotic supplement helps maintain a healthy balance in the digestive system, contributing to overall gastrointestinal wellness.

BioGaia Prodentis Lozenges

BioGaia Prodentis Lozenges are an innovative solution for maintaining oral health. These lozenges promote healthy teeth and gums, combat bad breath, and support the balance of the oral microbiome. Suitable for both kids and adults, they are an easy and effective addition to daily oral hygiene routines.

BioGaia Protectis Immune Active Probiotic

BioGaia Protectis Immune Active Probiotic is formulated to support the immune system alongside promoting digestive health. This product is perfect for individuals looking to bolster their body’s natural defenses while ensuring gut health. It’s a versatile probiotic suitable for various ages, providing dual benefits for overall well-being.

Each of these BioGaia products is grounded in extensive research and development, ensuring they meet high standards of quality and efficacy. Whether you’re addressing specific health concerns or aiming to maintain overall well-being, BioGaia’s range of probiotics offers targeted solutions to support your health journey.

Choosing BioGaia means investing in your and your family’s health with high-quality, scientifically proven probiotic solutions. Whether it’s improving digestive health, boosting the immune system, or supporting oral and skin health, BioGaia’s products offer a natural and effective way to maintain well-being at every stage of life.